Tuesday, June 4, 2013

5/4/2013 - Wildflower

Wildflower is one of the longest running and most organized races on the triathlon circuit, I did the race for the first time 2 years ago and was sure I would be back.  Last year injury kept me away, but this year I was ready….or so I thought.    I used this race as a chance to go and see my brother in San Jose, he was also going to be racing the Olympic race on Sunday.  We made our way to the course and got settled in the house with about 8 other pros racing.  Race morning I was happy to learn of a no wetsuit swim, this is rare at this race and definitely an advantage for me.  The swim went well I ended up swimming in 4th place for most of the race with one other guy.  1st and 2nd were 30 seconds ahead and we were 20 seconds ahead of the main pack.  I exiting the water and made my way to transition, when I was taking off my Zoot speed suit I could feel something slimy on my chest when I was getting my helmet and glasses on.  I was covered in a nice green algae bloom, it got all over my glasses, hands and chest.  Sunglasses went in my pocket and I headed out on the bike, not much I could do about the mess now.  The beginning of the bike winds around by the lake before heading uphill away from the park and around the lake.  The bike is tough here and hilly but very pretty as it heads through vineyards  of central CA.


During the course of the bike I was passed by many of the male pros, I knew that my bike form was not here for this race.  I rode the end of the bike with Thomas and we spoke about how crappy the race was going for both of us.  Either way I was going to have a nice run and enjoy my time in CA.  Off the bike I headed onto the run which is mostly trails and many steep hills through the park.  The heat was getting to me today a lot more than usual and I could tell that the cough and cold I had the days prior was the issue here.  I ended up walking and taking a nature break on the run, neither of which I have ever done in a race before.  I finished the race about 10 minutes slower than my previous time here, it was hotter this time and my form is really not there yet.  I could come up with a list of excuses none of which are really that relevant now, but the bottom line is I had fun racing at Wildflower and my form will come later this season.  Brian raced the next day in the Olympic race dominating the swim and most of the race in the age group.  It was nice to hang out with him this weekend and spend some time in CA again this year.

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